Jumat, 17 Januari 2025 Pukul 19:27:53 WITA

Stonebont's Website

Today's reality is yesterday's dream, and today's dream is tomorrow's reality. The beautiful life is doesn't depend on how happy you are but how happy others can be because of you.

Id Name Image Gender Position Office Age Start Date Salary
1 Airi Satou 592954629.jpg female Accountant Tokyo 33 2008-11-28 $162,700
2 Angelica Ramos 771563194.jpg Female Chief Executive Officer (CEO) London 47 2009-10-09 $920,000
3 Ashton Cox 273074141.jpg Male Junior Technical Author San Francisco 66 2006-02-02 $86,000
4 Bradley Greer 1265795107.jpg Male Software Engineer London 41 2008-02-06 $132,000
5 Brenden Wagner 914456287.jpg Male Software Engineer San Francisco 28 2007-04-12 $206,850
6 Brielle Williamson 129216537.jpg Female Integration Specialist New York 61 2009-05-08 $372,000
7 Bruno Nash 1580139660.jpg Male Software Engineer London 38 2008-07-04 $163,500
8 Caesar Vance 699859333.jpg Male Pre-Sales Support New York 21 2010-07-01 $106,450
9 Cara Stevens 2131392645.jpg Male Sales Assistant New York 46 2009-02-02 $145,600
10 Cedric Kelly 1223574536.jpg Male Senior Javascript Developer Edinburgh 22 2005-08-04 $433,060
11 Charde Marshall 629289917.jpg Male Regional Director San Francisco 36 2009-02-13 $470,600
12 Colleen Hurst 1276696163.jpg Male Javascript Developer San Francisco 39 2010-11-03 $205,500
13 Dai Rios 941249158.jpg Male Personnel Lead Edinburgh 35 2012-02-10 $217,500
14 Donna Snider 1579163722.jpg Female Customer Support New York 27 2011-01-25 $112,000
15 Doris Wilder 690122724.jpg Female Sales Assistant Sydney 23 2012-02-02 $85,600
16 Finn Camacho 1152803155.jpg Male Support Engineer San Francisco 47 2010-10-01 $87,500
17 Setiawan 2055261571.jpg Male Production Manager Jakarta 37 2017-10-21 $860,00
18 Fiona Green 539021520.jpg Female Chief Operating Officer (COO) San Francisco 48 2009-01-05 $850,000
19 Garrett Winters 922807242.jpg Male Accountant Tokyo 63 2011-07-25 $170,750
20 Gavin Cortez 279563787.jpg Male Team Leader San Francisco 22 2013-02-07 $235,500
21 Gavin Joyce 1532070755.jpg Female Developer Edinburgh 42 2011-09-09 $92,575
22 Gloria Little 2051351419.jpg Female Systems Administrator New York 59 2012-04-12 $237,500
23 Haley Kennedy 1875210980.jpg Female Senior Marketing Designer London 43 2014-08-06 $313,500
24 Hermione Butler 973254794.jpg Male Regional Director London 47 2014-02-04 $356,250
25 Herrod Chandler 2002188658.jpg Male Sales Assistant San Francisco 59 2012-02-03 $137,500
26 Hope Fuentes 2136542380.jpg Male Secretary San Francisco 41 2014-02-04 $109,850
27 Howard Hatfield 1747690154.jpg Male Office Manager San Francisco 51 2015-02-05 $164,500
28 Jackson Bradshaw 1189951335.jpg Male Director New York 65 2012-02-06 $645,750
29 Jena Gaines 1471195650.jpg Female Office Manager London 30 2012-02-02 $90,560
30 Jenette Caldwell 802921870.jpg Female Development Lead New York 30 2015-02-05 $345,000
31 Jennifer Acosta 404266918.jpg Female Junior Javascript Developer Edinburgh 43 2013-02-01 $75,650
32 Jennifer Chang 1497074216.jpg Female Regional Director Singapore 28 2013-02-07 $357,650
33 Jonas Alexander 1491700323.jpg Male Developer San Francisco 30 2013-02-13 $86,500
34 Lael Greer 1534596613.jpg Male Systems Administrator London 21 2012-02-01 $103,500
35 Martena Mccray 929464487.jpg Female Post-Sales support Edinburgh 46 2013-02-07 $324,050
36 Michael Bruce 1461882112.jpg Male Javascript Developer Singapore 29 2015-06-04 $183,000
37 Michael Silva 1030436354.jpg Male Marketing Designer London 66 2012-04-06 $198,500
38 Michelle House 1557304315.jpg Female Integration Specialist Sydney 37 2010-04-01 $95,400
39 Olivia Liang 886722938.jpg Female Support Engineer Singapore 64 2015-02-05 $234,500
40 Paul Byrd 1692056082.jpg Male Chief Financial Officer (CFO) New York 64 2014-02-14 $725,000
41 Prescott Bartlett 492311235.jpg Male Technical Author London 27 2014-02-12 $145,000
42 Quinn Flynn 970120554.jpg Female Support Lead Edinburgh 22 2015-02-05 $342,000
43 Rhona Davidson 2068828775.jpg Male Integration Specialist Tokyo 55 2019-02-01 $327,900
44 Sakura Yamamoto 13690859.jpg Female Support Engineer Tokyo 37 2014-10-02 $139,575
45 Serge Baldwin 2144608227.jpg Male Data Coordinator Singapore 64 2013-02-01 $138,575
46 Shad Decker 2062823735.jpg Male Regional Director Edinburgh 51 2014-02-05 $183,000
47 Shou Itou 900315314.jpg Male Regional Marketing Tokyo 20 2014-07-03 $163,000
48 Sonya Frost 2105089968.jpg Female Software Engineer Edinburgh 23 2014-02-05 $103,600
49 Suki Burks 1748539534.jpg Male Developer London 53 2007-11-01 $114,500
50 Tatyana Fitzpatrick 1238949774.jpg Female Regional Director London 19 2014-05-07 $385,750
52 Tiger Nixon 1656337268.jpg Male System Architect Edinburgh 61 2016-02-03 $320,800
53 Timothy Mooney 2132563845.jpg Female Office Manager London 37 2018-05-01 $136,200
54 Unity Butler 2031645996.jpg Male Marketing Designer San Francisco 47 2016-07-07 $85,675
74 Saumlaki 1116332204.jpg Male Staff Officer Yogyakarta
75 Gatot 1927679800.jpg Male Staff Officer Sao Paolo
76 Kimberly 551412807.jpg Female Staff Officer Kuala Lumpur

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